Friday, July 16, 2010

Nyepi Day (Silent Day) In Bali

     Silent Day, the religious holiday, is the only one which is happening in the world. There is no other similar day anywhere else but Bali. Traditional Hindhu's celebration falls every year according to Hindhu ancient calendar. This special day is celebrated every March in a year. It is a symbolic act for the winning of good (Dharma) over bad energy (Adharma) and also marking Balinese New Year based on their traditional calendar.
     Similar to other big holidays in Bali, Nyepi has three paces of days which are divided into three which are; the day before Nyepi which is well-known as Pengrupukan, The Nyepi Day itself and the last is the day after Nyepi known as Ngembak Geni.
     During the Pengrupukan, all Balinese do such a small ceremony to dismiss evil spirit around their compound and also the area they live usually at the junctions. According to Hindhu's sacred book, during this day, all bad energy or evil spirits are freely wandering in the world. Exorcist ceremonies are driven away those spirits for not to disturb the humans live. All family members carry dried coconut leaves which are burnt and make noisy sounds out of kitchen tools. Then they will go around the house while carrying the burning leaves and the noise to each room, toilet, kitchen area, and every corners of the compound to purify the living areas including the junctions. This activity takes place during the sunset or Sandi Kala, the time for the bad spirits raise up.
     When the night comes, every village in Bali does the next procession which is carrying deity representations around the village. The deities are usually in form of furious and horrible appearance. However, other symbols in form of PUNK model, Motor bike driver and other modern forms are adopted. The gigantic monsters representation is carried by the young people while the followers which are the rest of the villagers carry torches made from bamboo. After carrying this monstrous symbol, then it will be burnt down at the junctions or even in the grave yard, to end the Pengrupukan Night.
     The next day which is the due date of Nyepi Day, all activities are totally stopped as if the world has been stopped from moving. There is nothing on the road, no cars or vehicles, no people wandering around, no lights at night, no TV or radio, industries and offices are stop operated including the airport. The day of silent starts from 6am to the next morning, 6 am. The whole Hindhu are fasting and meditating during the Nyepi day for self purification.
     Additionally, there are four things should not be done; which are: no lights, no work, no entertainment and no traveling. Other religions are also participating by doing those four. They show their respect to live side by side in the peace. Tourisms aspects are also showing the same respect by not using lights and allowing their guests coming down to the road. The next day, Ngembak Geni, is highlighting the end of the moment of Silence. The live gets back to normal again. All aspects of live runs back to normal routine till the next Nyepi day come again.

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